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Commercial Litigation

About Commercial Litigation

As the firm’s core business, SLF Lawyers’ Commercial Litigation practice has a positive and well known reputation in all jurisdictions. We understand that successful litigation requires skillful judgment and an appreciation of our client’s business.

Sometimes litigation cannot be avoided. SLF Lawyers take a commonsense approach and understand that clients do not want to spend their time in court. Our focus is to reach commercial outcomes at the earliest possible time and with the least expense.

Representing clients from an array of industries, our team has appeared before Australian Federal and State courts, specialist tribunals in regulatory investigations and before commissions of enquiry.

We have a wealth of experience in litigation such as:
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Building disputes
Retail and Residential Tenancy disputes
Directors and Shareholders disputes
Australian Consumer Law disputes
Professional Negligence claims
Strata Management and/or Owners Corporation disputes
Property disputes
Commercial disputes, such as the enforcement of credit agreements, guarantees and indemnities, hire purchase agreements, lease agreements, rental agreements

Who can help?

Rebecca Fahey

Rebecca Fahey

Managing Partner
John Gdanski

John Gdanski

Senior Partner
Mark Smith

Mark Smith

Senior Partner

Latest News

Do you need legal advice?

We understand that you may need help, but aren’t yet ready to enter into a retainer.

If you need a confidential obligation-free consultation, contact us today.

We confirm this obligation free consultation expressly excludes any enquiries regarding migration to Australia.

We understand that you may need help, but aren’t yet ready to enter into a retainer.

If you need a confidential obligation-free consultation, contact us today.

We confirm this obligation free consultation expressly excludes any enquiries regarding migration to Australia.


Level 15, 260 Queen Street
Brisbane QLD 4000

GPO BOX 5116
Brisbane QLD 4001

P +61 7 3839 8011
F +61 7 3839 7314


Level 10, 114 William Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

GPO BOX 1660
Melbourne VIC 3001

P +61 3 9600 2450
F +61 3 9600 2431

Gold Coast

Level 4, Corporate Centre One, 2 Corporate Court
Bundall QLD 4217

PO BOX 8165
Gold Coast MC QLD 9726

P +61 7 5582 1600
F +61 7 5582 1601 


Level 18, 323 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Sydney NSW 2000

P +61 2 9264 4833
F +61 2 9264 4611


Level 2, 2 Edward Street
Perth WA 6004

PO BOX 3004
East Perth WA 6892

P +61 8 6444 1960
F +61 8 6444 1969

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