Our banking and finance lawyers have acted for and against a number of major banks and financial institutions for many years in both front end advice/documentation matters and also back end enforcement. We have a depth of experience in the provision of legal services to a wide range of clients within the finance sector, including motor vehicle financiers, equipment financiers, invoice and debt financiers, commodity providers, and logistic companies.
亮點包括代表一家主要汽車金融機構處理委託協議糾紛以及經銷商平面圖中多輛車的相關權利。這件事提交給了高等法院,我們的律師在那裡代表了成功的汽車金融家。該案件涉及未經檢驗的證券原則,我們的案件(被高等法院接受)與不久後頒布的法定 PPS 制度一致。
If you need a confidential obligation-free consultation, contact us today.
If you need a confidential obligation-free consultation, contact us today.
Level 15, 260 Queen Street
布里斯班 QLD 4000
郵政信箱 5116
布里斯班 QLD 4001
Level 10, 114 William Street
墨爾本 VIC 3000
GPO BOX 1660
墨爾本 VIC 3001
Level 4, Corporate Centre One, 2 Corporate Court
Bundall QLD 4217
PO BOX 8165
Gold Coast MC QLD 9726
Level 18, 323 Castlereagh Street
悉尼新南威爾士州 2000
GPO 框 37
悉尼新南威爾士州 2000