Anthony was admitted to practice in 2007 and has worked predominantly in the areas of insolvency and commercial litigation. He has appeared in both State and Federal jurisdictions throughout Australia. He has defended trials in the Federal Circuit Court of Australia involving misleading and deceptive conduct allegations; and allegations contracts are unfair in accordance with the Australian Consumer Law.
Anthony regularly advises liquidators, receivers, administrators, and trustees in relation to their appointment, during their tenure, and in post-insolvency actions including insolvent trading claims, preference actions, uncommercial transactions, recovery claims and public examinations.
Anthony 以對客戶需求敏感的方式提供高質量和及時的法律建議而自豪。他在業務往來中具有同理心,並相信與客戶建立並保持有效的關係對於確保確定和實現客戶的目標和目標至關重要。
Anthony 已婚,家庭年輕,是布里斯班雄獅隊的金牌會員,也是橄欖球聯盟、橄欖球聯盟和板球等其他運動的熱心追隨者。
Anthony 於 2007 年獲得執業資格,主要從事破產和商業訴訟領域的工作。他曾出現在整個澳大利亞的州和聯邦司法管轄區。他曾為澳大利亞聯邦巡迴法院涉及誤導和欺騙行為指控的審判辯護;根據澳大利亞消費者法,指控合同是不公平的。
Anthony 定期就清算人、接管人、管理人和受託人的任命、任期和破產後訴訟(包括破產交易索賠、優先權訴訟、非商業交易、追償索賠和公開審查)向清算人、接管人、管理人和受託人提供建議。
Anthony 以對客戶需求敏感的方式提供高質量和及時的法律建議而自豪。他在業務往來中具有同理心,並相信與客戶建立並保持有效的關係對於確保確定和實現客戶的目標和目標至關重要。
Anthony 已婚,家庭年輕,是布里斯班雄獅隊的金牌會員,也是橄欖球聯盟、橄欖球聯盟和板球等其他運動的熱心追隨者。
We confirm this obligation free consultation expressly excludes any enquiries regarding migration to Australia.
We confirm this obligation free consultation expressly excludes any enquiries regarding migration to Australia.
Level 15, 260 Queen Street
布里斯班 QLD 4000
郵政信箱 5116
布里斯班 QLD 4001
Level 10, 114 William Street
墨爾本 VIC 3000
GPO BOX 1660
墨爾本 VIC 3001
Level 4, Corporate Centre One, 2 Corporate Court
Bundall QLD 4217
PO BOX 8165
Gold Coast MC QLD 9726
Level 18, 323 Castlereagh Street
悉尼新南威爾士州 2000
Sydney NSW 1240